วันศุกร์ที่ 9 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

We No Speak Americano - Yolanda Be Cool & Dcup - Charleston/Swing (Dance Fitness)

We No Speak Americano - Yolanda Be Cool & Dcup - Charleston/Swing (Dance Fitness) Video Clips. Duration : 3.15 Mins.

redhotfitness.net We No Speak Americano Yolanda Be Cool & Dcup Choreography Inspired by Various YouTube Videos =)ZUMBA® and the Zumba Fitness logo are trademarks of Zumba Fitness, LLC, used under license. I am not an employee of Zumba Fitness, LLC, nor am I affiliated with the corporation in any other way than being a licensed instructor of Zumba Fitness.

Tags: Zumba, Dance, Fitness, Charleston, Swing, Red, Hot, Dot, Net

