Fitness instructors often have to be choreographers if they originate their own routines. A dance-fitness teacher has to be skilled in creating routines that are fun, rhythmical, and sufficient and that can be de facto learned by students. Zumba instructors also have to integrate non-verbal cueing into the equation. Here are ten tips on how to choreograph easy to succeed Zumba routines.
Keep it simple. Use three to four steps and put them in a pattern. Repeat this pattern throughout the song. Be creative when repeating steps. For example, you can repeat a step with dissimilar arm movements. You can also do the same step but turn it as you do it so that you face four corners of the room. Start your routines with an introduction by marking the rhythm for the first eight to sixteen counts. This way students can feel the rhythm and they can all start on the same beat. Use eight-count phrasing. Design your choreography so that you do the same movement in eight to sixteen counts, matching the phrasing in the music. Repeat the chorus. Each time the chorus is played try to do the same exact pattern of movement. Whenever the class hears the chorus they will know exactly what steps to do. Match movement to the lyrics of the song. For example, if the music says to raise your hands then add that to the choreography. Use clear transitions. Give students an indication that a new step will be coming by using transitional steps such as marching before beginning a new pattern. Use a well-known song. When you use beloved music most people will already be well-known with the rhythm and phrasing of the song, and so they will be more comfortable learning your steps. Use non-verbal cues to direct students. For example, use hand movements to direct students to go to the right, to the left or to stop. End it on a fun beat. Use music that ends on a note in the music rather than fades out. You can use this beat to end your disposition with a strong finish!